Our food system is broken!


Open Exploration Workshop Hirzel

Monday, September 30, 2024

Organized in collaboration with z’alpenblick organic farm, this event will bring together players from different sectors, from farmers to citizens, and will place at the heart of the discussions: 
What Hurdles are hindering us from connect more to the soil?
This workshop is open to all, and offers the chance to generate radical ideas and access project funding of up to CHF 39’000!

Open Exploration Workshop Bavois

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Organized in collaboration with La Ferme de Lilan, this event will bring together players from different sectors, from farmers to citizens, and will place at the heart of the discussions: 
What Hurdles are hindering us from connect more to the soil?
This workshop is open to all, and offers the chance to generate radical ideas and access project funding of up to CHF 39’000!


Future Food P-act 2024

Relive our exceptional event through images!

Innovation Booster
Future Food Farming

The Suisse Agro Food Leading House will be managing a second Innovation Booster from 2024-2027. 
Engaging from farms to consumers to co-create radical innovation and to bridge the gap for a more resilient Swiss agro-food system!

Transforming problem-based opportunities into impactful solutions!

Open Exploration

Ideation Phase


Benefit from:

 3 verticals to focus on

Smart Nutrition

Smart Nutrition solutions for:

Personalized nutrition, microbiota vs health, fermentations, digitalization, 3D printed food, proteins (alternatives & traditionals), silver economy, food disorders, salt&sugar reduction…..

Bio Economy

Bioeconomy solutions for:

Resources efficiency​, Biomass valorization​, Circular economy


Packaging solutions for:

Functionality, food preservation & shelf life, food safety, antimicrobials, new materials, polymers, bioprinting, 3D printing, biobased, biodegradability, recyclability, new recycling streams….​

Testimonial 2023

Play Video

Ideation Campaigns '21-'23

submitted ideas

Winning Idea 2023

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The Innovation Booster Swiss Food Ecosystems is one of 24 innovation boosters powered by Innosuisse.

We foster a culture of open innovation and co-creation to build next generations’ Swiss Food Ecosystems.
By deep-diving into the existing problems and mapping out the stakeholders, we offer a holistic and systemic view that encourages radical solutions!

Join us for the upcoming workshops!